The radical left loves the rhetoric of the 'stolen land' claim against America. But they are ignorant of the historical reality that virtually all inhabited lands on earth have been 'stolen'.
In ongoing, friendly, arguments with my best friend for 47 years, who leaned Left, I would complain about illegal immigration on our southern border, to which he would say, "The land belonged to them first." And I would always reply, history is replete with stories of border disputes and land grabs.
Now, thanks to this great post, I have positive proof. I will keep this post handy for the next argument.
I am flattered at the sudden interest in this only editorial/story I have on my substack that I wrote back in 2021. When no one looked at this one, and another one I made that I removed, I just kinda abandoned my substack. Perhaps stuff like this is of interest. I like looking at audacious claims of the modern prevailing view and poking holes and breaking narratives.
Hey thanks for subscribing. I love this post! It's so information dense.
I'm at this very moment I'm writing a blog post about the history of area that is around modern day Israel. I've already written quite a few posts about "palestinians" over the years, and the climax we're witnessing in Gaza is something I'd like to opine about. Stay tuned.
I figured no one outside of my family would ever read this. Glad you found it useful. I may start writing regularly. But by no means am I anywhere near the prose of a Sowell, Locke, or CS Lewis -- my heroes :)
Thanks David. I wrote this three years ago as an experiment and suddenly people are linking it. It was my first attempt at anything on substack. Maybe I will find something else to write about.
What they don't know is that I don't hate them the way they hate me..... My goal is to win hearts and minds with facts, logic, reason, and an appeal to objective truth.
In ongoing, friendly, arguments with my best friend for 47 years, who leaned Left, I would complain about illegal immigration on our southern border, to which he would say, "The land belonged to them first." And I would always reply, history is replete with stories of border disputes and land grabs.
Now, thanks to this great post, I have positive proof. I will keep this post handy for the next argument.
Thank you, ETG!
I am flattered at the sudden interest in this only editorial/story I have on my substack that I wrote back in 2021. When no one looked at this one, and another one I made that I removed, I just kinda abandoned my substack. Perhaps stuff like this is of interest. I like looking at audacious claims of the modern prevailing view and poking holes and breaking narratives.
Hey thanks for subscribing. I love this post! It's so information dense.
I'm at this very moment I'm writing a blog post about the history of area that is around modern day Israel. I've already written quite a few posts about "palestinians" over the years, and the climax we're witnessing in Gaza is something I'd like to opine about. Stay tuned.
I figured no one outside of my family would ever read this. Glad you found it useful. I may start writing regularly. But by no means am I anywhere near the prose of a Sowell, Locke, or CS Lewis -- my heroes :)
Lol, those are high standards! Just be you, that's good enough. 👍
Actually, if you’re smart enough to understand the statement, you’ll readily understand its truth.
allegations are not evidence
Excellent article.
Thanks David. I wrote this three years ago as an experiment and suddenly people are linking it. It was my first attempt at anything on substack. Maybe I will find something else to write about.
Quite welcome. I’ll bet the Left just loves you!
What they don't know is that I don't hate them the way they hate me..... My goal is to win hearts and minds with facts, logic, reason, and an appeal to objective truth.
Very good.