Virtually every person on Earth lives on "stolen land"
The radical left loves the rhetoric of the 'stolen land' claim against America. But they are ignorant of the historical reality that virtually all inhabited lands on earth have been 'stolen'.
In the midst of the societal upheaval and historical revision and castigation of the colonialization, founding, and expansion of the United States, we are fed that constant falsehood that white colonial theft and genocide of the Native American population was one of the foundations of the United States establishment. This is accepted among the radical left, particularly the blue check race hustlers on Twitter, as factually true. The pre-colonial era is painted by propagandists as a pagan’s Garden of Eden with all the native peoples living in harmony across North America. But critical analysis shows a different story.
In a 2014 article from the scientific blog Science 2.0, we read a rarely told different narrative that shows the land stealing, violent, genocidal tendencies that existed long before the arrival of white skinned Columbus (or even the earlier arrival of the more “fair skinned” Eric the Red):
From the days they first arrived in the Southwest in the 1800s, most anthropologists and archaeologists have downplayed evidence of violent conflict among native Americans.
"Archaeologists with one or two exceptions have not tried to develop an objective metric of levels of violence through time," said Kohler. "They've looked at a mix of various things like burned structures, defensive site locations and so forth, but it's very difficult to distill an estimate of levels of violence from such things. We've concentrated on one thing, and that is trauma, especially to the head and portions of the arms. That's allowed us to look at levels of violence through time in a comparative way."
Long story short, there was cruel and inhumane warfare between the various Native American groups. While formal borders were not particularly defined, territorial changes were common, as was the constant enslavement of women and children to the conquering tribe. And amidst this was the constant gathering and hunting all tribes in the New World participated in which, in some cases, lead to the complete extinction or extirpation of species from a region. This throws a cog into the claims of the uniqueness European colonial ‘ecological terrorism’.
So let us take a look at well known areas that “changed hands” (i.e. STOLEN) on every other continent on Earth except one (we will get to the one at the end) :
(Africa) Egypt: Most Egyptians today are predominantly Arab descendants of the Muslim conquest of Egypt in the 600s by the Arabian Rashidun Caliphate. Prior to this, Egypt had been stolen from the Greeks by the Romans by Marc Antony’s marriage to Cleopatra. The Greeks ended the ancient ‘true’ Egyptian line of Pharaohs, and establishing the great city of Alexandria in honor of the land thief Alexander the Great. Egyptian history is rife with forcible submission and ethnic displacement and assimilation with conquerors.
(Africa) Rawanda/Central African region: And for sub-Saharan Africa, we don’t have to go too far back… the 1990s to be exact. Case study : Hutu - Tutsi warfare that resulted in horrific genocides in Rawanda and Congo.
(Asia) Japan: Japan’s largely homogeneous racial and cultural makeup has not been established that long, in terms of history. The Northern large island of Hokkaido was predominantly the domain of the Ainu people. Over several centuries, various Japanese dynasties waged war and intermarried with Ainu women in order to largely breed them out of existence. The end result again is the forcible seizing of land by a conqueror. The Ainu lands eventually became predominantly dominated by Japanese or Native Russian cultures that conquered them. There are very few Ainu today (around 25,000).
Asia (Mongolia, China, and Eastern Russia): The history of the Mongolian Empire and it’s conquering of lands belonging to the Rus (early Russians) , the Yuan, and many more people groups in Asia and even into Europe and the Middle East, is infamous. This accounted for perhaps the largest forcible transfer of lands in human history. In modern times, we see the Han dominated Chinese government conquer, control, and subjegate the Tibetan people and take their lands, temples, and holy places by force.
(Australia) Australia: The establishment of the British colony of Australia displaced, eventually, most of the 400+ Aboriginal tribes already extant there. But yet again we find a long, bloody, land and resource stealing past among Aboriginal tribes not dissimilar to what occurred in North America. Constant warfare was, in fact, a part of life and culture. Forcibly taking the resources and women of other tribes was normative.
Finally, we come to Europe. Without delving too deeply into specifics, one only needs to look at a map of 6th century Europe, 11th century Europe, 15th century Europe, and the massive changes in boundaries and lands between just the early 19th century and the 21st century. In just the last 100 years, ancient German lands were given to Poles and Russians as a cost of the Nazi regime’s waging of war, displacing German families who had lived on lands for many centuries. Established Polish lands in it’s East, were given to the Soviet Union and now are in the hands of Belarus as a part of Stalin’s desire to have a buffer and ‘reward’ the Belarussian SSR for it’s loyalty. The former Communist Yugoslavia breakup in the 1990s, and the conquering of lands by virtually all ethnic groups against each other (Croat, Serb, Bosnian, Macedonians, Slovenian, etc.) is a reality today - there are former Yugoslavians on all sides that were displaced that are obviously living today.
All of these historic realities make it painfully obvious that one of humanity’s many sinful attributes is our historical bend toward conquering people for our own purposes and to the benefit of whatever tribe, nation, or perhaps religion we align with. In that sense, I concur that there were evils and great injustices that occurred to displaced people not only in the Americas but in every inhabited region on every continent on this big Earth. However, it is wrong for the modern radical left to insist that the white European and their descendants are solely responsible for such displacement and land appropriation. The question should NOT be how to rectify, in most cases, centuries old conquests, but rather, how we propagate a society in our midst that DOES value private property rights, human rights, and the protection of innocent life from those who would seek to deny anyone all of these.
For those of you who live in any region in which one group conquered another, if you want to assume guilt for your part in transgressions you never committed yourself, I propose you move to the one massive landmass on Earth that has NOT been stolen from anyone… at least yet: Antarctica. By my calculation, that includes 7.8 billion of the 7.9 billion people that live on earth. It would, of course, not take long for all of us to fight, steal, kill, and dominate what scarce areas are barely inhabitable on the edges of the coldest and most inhospitable continent. Then again, nations have already made claims on chunks of territory of Antarctica, and virtually none of them recognize the claims of others and claims overlap other claims. Here we go again!
In ongoing, friendly, arguments with my best friend for 47 years, who leaned Left, I would complain about illegal immigration on our southern border, to which he would say, "The land belonged to them first." And I would always reply, history is replete with stories of border disputes and land grabs.
Now, thanks to this great post, I have positive proof. I will keep this post handy for the next argument.
Thank you, ETG!
Hey thanks for subscribing. I love this post! It's so information dense.
I'm at this very moment I'm writing a blog post about the history of area that is around modern day Israel. I've already written quite a few posts about "palestinians" over the years, and the climax we're witnessing in Gaza is something I'd like to opine about. Stay tuned.